Statistics of Properties Transactions - 2001

Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1H 2001 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2H 2001 2001  
Volume Value
Volume Value
Volume Value
As %
of Total Volume
Volume of Overall Properties 4,645 4,961 11,412 7,853 7,351 7,503 43,725 941.44 7,330 7,833 6,734 5,183 9,723 7,662 44,465 986.64 88,190 1,928.08  
Value of Overall Properties($100M) 127.31 112.12 212.90 180.09 144.45 164.57 190.78 170.83 137.57 142.13 168.15 177.18
Volume of
Primary Residential
Private HK 213 204 369 164 423 527 1,900 55.21 455 305 670 160 112 155 1,857 80.49 3,757 135.70
KLN 193 211 495 254 386 380 1,919 77.87 636 377 268 118 263 1,136 2,798 118.25 4,717 196.12
NT 392 434 1,630 728 592 831 4,607 119.58 813 995 535 564 3,173 1,402 7,482 166.96 12,089 286.54
Total 798 849 2,494 1,146 1,401 1,738 8,426 252.66 1,904 1,677 1,473 842 3,548 2,693 12,137 365.70 20,563 618.36 23.32%
Public HK 1 0 565 985 21 2 1,574 20.74 2 1 1 0 0 0 4 0.07 1,578 20.82  
KLN 25 226 34 10 3 7 305 5.38 3 17 15 3 2 0 40 0.72 345 6.09
NT 4 146 2,292 953 13 7 3,415 36.02 23 40 51 36 11 2 163 3.22 3,578 39.24
Total 30 372 2,891 1,948 37 16 5,294 62.14 28 58 67 39 13 2 207 4.01 5,501 66.15 6.24%
Volume of
Secondary Residential
HK 744 714 1,241 1,072 1,130 1,235 6,136 180.47 1,142 1,186 1,017 911 1,130 1,104 6,490 162.85 12,626 343.32  
KLN 937 813 1,304 1,011 1,361 1,271 6,697 103.37 1,201 1,365 1,103 968 1,204 1,108 6,949 101.22 13,646 204.59
NT 1,433 1,359 2,262 1,814 2,533 2,419 11,820 177.91 2,319 2,548 2,097 1,813 2,200 1,914 12,891 187.11 24,711 365.02
Total 3,114 2,886 4,807 3,897 5,024 4,925 24,653 461.75 4,662 5,099 4,217 3,692 4,534 4,126 26,330 451.18 50,983 912.93 57.81%
Volume of Industrial, Office,
Retails, Carpark & Others
703 854 1,220 862 889 824 5,352 164.89 736 999 977 610 1,628 841 5,791 165.75 11,143 330.64 12.64%

The Registration Volume and Value are based on Midland Realty statistics. Above figures may be different from the figures released by Land Registry.
Due to the rounding, the sum of individual figure may be slightly different from the total.
Source︰Land Registry & Midland Realty Research Centre