Statistics of Properties Transactions - 2007

Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1H 2007 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2H 2007 2007  
Volume Value
Volume Value
Volume Value
As %
of Total Volume
Volume of Overall Properties 8,807 9,188 9,470 10,973 13,090 11,979 63,507 2,136.62 11,121 13,664 10,475 13,227 18,105 15,592 82,184 3,119.63 145,691 5,256.25  
Value of Overall Properties($100M) 271.83 266.13 320.35 435.57 449.11 393.63 380.09 441.96 332.38 506.78 813.93 644.49
Volume of
Primary Residential
Private HK 128 68 66 490 407 219 1,378 192.07 206 132 90 264 580 96 1,368 206.54 2,746 398.61
KLN 132 78 225 922 563 197 2,117 124.91 186 228 146 591 1,142 405 2,698 217.13 4,815 342.04
NT 597 978 437 688 715 599 4,014 186.70 809 885 1,969 862 673 302 5,500 212.37 9,514 399.07
Total 857 1,124 728 2,100 1,685 1,015 7,509 503.67 1,201 1,245 2,205 1,717 2,395 803 9,566 636.04 17,075 1,139.71 11.72%
Public HK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00  
KLN 0 0 0 6 6 1 13 0.19 0 370 103 1 5 2 481 8.63 494 8.82
NT 0 0 0 163 377 32 572 5.83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 572 5.83
Total 0 0 0 169 383 33 585 6.03 0 370 103 1 5 2 481 8.63 1,066 14.66 0.73%
Volume of
Secondary Residential
HK 1,830 1,884 2,083 1,884 2,403 2,442 12,526 583.33 2,132 2,543 1,569 2,464 3,946 3,347 16,001 842.83 28,527 1,426.16  
KLN 1,923 1,984 1,968 2,051 2,588 2,466 12,980 297.12 2,350 2,698 1,833 2,645 3,574 3,469 16,569 505.28 29,549 802.40
NT 2,868 2,813 3,238 3,315 4,160 3,935 20,329 369.80 3,701 4,836 3,237 4,618 6,049 6,075 28,516 585.25 48,845 955.06
Total 6,621 6,681 7,289 7,250 9,151 8,843 45,835 1,250.25 8,183 10,077 6,639 9,727 13,569 12,891 61,086 1,933.36 106,921 3,183.61 73.39%
Volume of Industrial, Office,
Retails, Carpark & Others
1,329 1,383 1,453 1,454 1,871 2,088 9,578 376.67 1,737 1,972 1,528 1,782 2,136 1,896 11,051 541.60 20,629 918.26 14.16%

The Registration Volume and Value are based on Midland Realty statistics. Above figures may be different from the figures released by Land Registry.
Due to the rounding, the sum of individual figure may be slightly different from the total.
Source︰Land Registry & Midland Realty Research Centre