Statistics of Properties Transactions in Land Registry - 2024

Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1H 2024
(Jan To Jun)
(Up to 25/7)
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2H 2024
(Jul To Dec)
2024 Total As %
of Total Volume
Volume Value
Volume Value
Volume Value
Volume of Overall Properties 4,401 3,189 5,013 9,880 7,361 5,245 35,089 2,809.3 4,437           4,437 312.2 39,526 3,121.5  
Value of Overall Properties($100M) 336.7 225.8 373.7 839.4 622.8 410.9 312.2          
Volume of
Primary Residential
Private HK 30 37 205 593 337 63 1265 267.8 142           142 22.6 1,407 290.4
KLN 193 190 857 1,811 973 293 4317 541.8 170           170 34.8 4,487 576.6
NT 767 130 423 1,214 641 634 3,809 296.2 414           414 29.9 4,223 326.1
Total 990 357 1,485 3,618 1,951 990 9,391 1,105.7 726           726 87.3 10,117 1,193.0 25.60%
Public HK 1 2 4 5 4 4 20 0.4 4           4 0.1 24 0.5  
KLN 58 44 38 184 29 16 369 14.4 24           24 0.6 393 15.0
NT 3 13 21 16 35 87 175 2.9 288           288 7.1 463 9.9
Total 62 59 63 205 68 107 564 17.7 316           316 7.8 880 25.5 2.23%
Volume of
Secondary Residential
HK 524 427 474 1,033 870 655 3,983 374.7 532           532 49.7 4,515 424.4  
KLN 758 629 721 1,452 1,320 1,029 5,909 399.4 832           832 51.6 6,741 451.0
NT 1,430 1,163 1,506 2,867 2,346 1,723 11,035 607.6 1,411           1,411 76.1 12,446 683.7
Total 2,712 2,219 2,701 5,352 4,536 3,407 20,927 1,381.7 2,775           2,775 177.3 23,702 1,559.1 59.97%
Volume of Industrial 118 115 116 149 178 161 837 63.3 130           130 14.3 967 77.6 2.45%
Volume of Office 42 59 43 65 76 54 339 54.7 51           51 8.3 390 63.0 0.99%
Volume of Retail 67 68 53 85 99 89 461 108.5 63           63 12.0 524 120.4 1.33%
Total Volume of IC&I 227 242 212 299 353 304 1,637 226.4 244           244 34.6 1,881 261.0 4.76%
Volume of Carpark & Others 410 312 552 406 453 437 2,570 77.8 376           376 5.1 2,946 82.9 7.45%

The Registration Volume and Value are based on Midland Realty statistics. Above figures may be different from the figures released by Land Registry.
Due to the rounding, the sum of individual figure may be slightly different from the total.
Source︰Land Registry & Midland Realty Research Centre