Statistics of Properties Transactions - 2003

Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1H 2003 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2H 2003 2003  
Volume Value
Volume Value
Volume Value
As %
of Total Volume
Volume of Overall Properties 7,293 4,622 5,800 6,382 5,090 6,013 35,200 706.48 7,658 7,947 6,866 11,219 9,648 8,771 52,109 1,187.70 87,309 1,894.18  
Value of Overall Properties($100M) 146.38 79.69 142.90 128.46 93.95 115.10 167.06 153.07 138.68 321.01 213.12 194.76
Volume of
Primary Residential
Private HK 814 61 431 208 157 140 1,811 79.57 177 125 239 928 433 310 2,212 141.50 4,023 221.07
KLN 381 379 601 446 368 514 2,689 98.17 453 391 584 960 883 749 4,020 144.56 6,709 242.73
NT 1,096 552 815 1,924 778 1,044 6,209 117.43 2,189 2,308 1,124 2,163 1,345 1,308 10,437 204.29 16,646 321.72
Total 2,291 992 1,847 2,578 1,303 1,698 10,709 295.17 2,819 2,824 1,947 4,051 2,661 2,367 16,669 490.34 27,378 785.51 31.36%
Public HK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00  
KLN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
NT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00%
Volume of
Secondary Residential
HK 1,076 699 687 707 775 801 4,745 109.21 1,052 1,084 1,057 1,530 1,428 1,307 7,458 193.49 12,203 302.70  
KLN 1,212 868 883 912 753 858 5,486 66.34 1,035 1,092 1,103 1,481 1,495 1,436 7,642 97.06 13,128 163.40
NT 1,764 1,222 1,289 1,369 1,449 1,576 8,669 101.71 1,766 1,702 1,665 2,481 2,412 2,105 12,131 146.74 20,800 248.45
Total 4,052 2,789 2,859 2,988 2,977 3,235 18,900 277.26 3,853 3,878 3,825 5,492 5,335 4,848 27,231 437.28 46,131 714.55 52.84%
Volume of Industrial, Office,
Retails, Carpark & Others
950 841 1,094 816 810 1,080 5,591 134.05 986 1,245 1,094 1,676 1,652 1,556 8,209 260.07 13,800 394.12 15.81%

The Registration Volume and Value are based on Midland Realty statistics. Above figures may be different from the figures released by Land Registry.
Due to the rounding, the sum of individual figure may be slightly different from the total.
Source︰Land Registry & Midland Realty Research Centre